Auto detection and maintenance-auto body frame machine

Auto detection and maintenance-auto body frame machine

Keywords: auto body frame machine,frame machine
Auto detection and maintenance-
The modern automobile maintenance technology has become increasingly high tech,from electric products in automotive applications,automotive diagnostic equipment to the modern use of the internet in the vehicle maintenance informaion on the application and maintenance management software play in the automotive repair business the role,all relfect the characteristics of modern high-tech vehicle maintenace,vehicle maintenace is no longer a simple part repair,accurate diagnosis of the fault lies,is the highest level of the modern automobile maintance.Accession to the WTO under the new situation, their own emphasis on improving the quality of auto repair ,auto repair business to change the orginal way to make our auto repair industry has been repaid development.

keywords:automobile;maintenance features;auto body frame machine.

1.Characteristics of the modern automobile maintenance
2.Modern vehicle repair compared with traditional methods
3.Charactoristics of enterprise qualtiy

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